Daffodil Days
Every fall, Keep Oakland Beautiful provides free daffodil bulbs and native California wildflower seeds to be planted around Oakland in highly visible spaces for the public to enjoy and to beautify our city.
This is in conjunction with the Keep America Beautiful National Planting Day, which celebrates the critical nature of native plants and trees in enhancing biodiversity, rebuilding ecosystems and supporting pollinator health. We encourage our participants to focus on planting pollinators to increase biodiversity in our neighborhoods and communities. Applications are closed. Check back Sept 2025 for our next cycle! |
WHO should plant?
Individuals or community groups, youth groups, neighborhood organizations, church groups, school clubs, students, service organizations – anyone, as long as they are volunteers!
WHERE do I plant?
The bulbs must be planted in a space that is highly visible to the public. This includes private and public locations with priority given to public locations.
- Private locations (e.g. businesses, community spaces, schools) require property owner's approval.
- Public land requires City of Oakland approval through the Adopt a Spot Program. Adopt A Spot stewardships must be renewed annually. KOB requires that Daffodil Days recipients planting on City property have Adopt a Spot approval for the same location. We recommend that you apply to the Adopt a Spot program well in advance of your application to Daffodil Days as it can take a minimum of 3 weeks for City approval. Please note that Adopt a Spot approval does not ensure that you will receive bulbs or seeds from KOB.
HOW do I plant?
Choose a sunny place with good drainage where people can enjoy the blooms. Avoid mowed lawns and places that you cannot keep litter and weed free. Avoid natural areas with native plants.
When you receive your bulbs, plant them as soon as possible in early fall. The earlier they are planted, the healthier the roots will become, and the bigger the blossoms will be in spring. When planting, dig the hole twice as deep as the length of the bulb, and then loosely bury. Water the bulbs once in, and wait for the winter rains to do the rest (if we don’t get any rain, water once every 10 days or so depending on how much water your soil retains).
If you are planting native wildflower seeds on the same site as the daffodils, wait until the first rain to scatter seeds above the bulbs. Scatter the seeds on top of the soil and rake in seeds or sprinkle a thin layer of soil or compost to cover them.
After planting, you will be responsible for keeping the daffodil project site watered (if necessary), weeded, and litter free.
When you receive your bulbs, plant them as soon as possible in early fall. The earlier they are planted, the healthier the roots will become, and the bigger the blossoms will be in spring. When planting, dig the hole twice as deep as the length of the bulb, and then loosely bury. Water the bulbs once in, and wait for the winter rains to do the rest (if we don’t get any rain, water once every 10 days or so depending on how much water your soil retains).
If you are planting native wildflower seeds on the same site as the daffodils, wait until the first rain to scatter seeds above the bulbs. Scatter the seeds on top of the soil and rake in seeds or sprinkle a thin layer of soil or compost to cover them.
After planting, you will be responsible for keeping the daffodil project site watered (if necessary), weeded, and litter free.
Thank you for helping us to Keep Oakland Beautiful!